Let Us Never Forget- Or Did We?

Today, like every other September 11th since 2001, we remember the fallen heroes from the result of the vicious and cowardly attack on America. Everyone who is old enough can remember exactly where they were when they first learned of the attack.

We, as Americans, were forever changed that day.  America pulled together. Our country was torn and bruised, but not beaten. It stood stronger than ever. Flags were selling out in stores. Patriotism filled the land and we had a new resolve. We pledged never to forget.

But have we? Do we still feel the same determination to work together as Americans as we did back then? Or have we let our political party beliefs, the color of our skin, or our religion separate us from being We the People of the United States of America? I see more hate in this country than I have in a long long time. I have to wonder what these brave men and women who were victims that day would think about the divisiveness we can all now see in our country.

Maybe part of that is because we have a generation who was not even born when this tragedy took place. Young people were questioned and many had no idea what 9/11 was all about. It is my hope that school classrooms are teaching about this event in American History. We cannot become complacent and let it become an, “I wasn’t there so I don’t care” mentality. America is better than that.

It’s easy to be judgmental, impatient and intolerant. Sometimes it isn’t done purposely. It’s the fast world in which we live, busy with our own lives. I am guilty of this myself sometimes. It takes more awareness and more of an effort to be the opposite. It isn’t always easy to do. I have to keep reminding myself that I never know someone’s story. Maybe that lady who cut me off in line was trying to escape an abusive relationship. Maybe the homeless person we see on the side of the road had a job once but fell on hard times and really is homeless for the time being.

Let’s honor our fallen heroes today.  Let’s share their story with a teenager who wasn’t around when it happened. Let’s choose to be kind to a stranger today. Let’s choose today to be a true American.

In a world where there is so much hate, let us all choose to be KIND.red-304570__340

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4 thoughts on “Let Us Never Forget- Or Did We?

  1. Amen!!!


  2. Well said, and so true.


  3. Love your Blog. You are a very talented writer.


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