Are There Stones In Your Pocket?

Like many Americans, watching the Committee hearings last week made me sad. I was sad for Dr. Ford and sad for Judge Kavanaugh. I was sad for the people who were thrown into this only because they were related or friends with one of the two people. I was also sad for our country. It was a political circus and in my opinion, it was down right embarrassing. I have a feeling there is more embarrassment to come.

There were so many people accusing one or the other, not believing her or making fun of him for getting emotional. The truth is that we don’t know what happened because we were not there.

I can’t imagine the emotional anguish one would have to go through to discuss and be questioned on such personal matters on national television. I made the comment that I am so thankful I don’t have to be questioned about things that were written in my high school yearbook. I wouldn’t remember what half of the inside jokes meant anymore. I would have cried as well knowing the heartache it caused my children and loved ones who didn’t ask for this. To have been sexually assaulted  is something I can’t even fathom.

We, as a society, are so quick to pass judgment, make fun of,  and cast stones. I have had  pockets filled with stones in my lifetime as well. As I have gotten older, I have made more efforts to empty some of them. Honestly, I still have a few, because I am far from perfect. I consciously strive now at being the best part of me on a daily basis. It’s not easy. I consider myself a work in progress.

I close my blog posts by saying, “In a world where there is so much hate, let us all choose to be kind.” Our country needs this more than ever. We need to learn empathy and patience again so we can model it for our children who will lead our future. And we need to learn to wait for the facts before we pass judgement.

I used the committee hearings as an example because it was so prevalent in the news last week. But it pertains to so much in our world today. A little tolerance could go such a long way.

So, for this week’s post, I ask you (and myself) to self reflect and ask, “How many stones are in my pockets today and are they really worth keeping?”

Have a good week.


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In a world where there is so much hate, let us all choose to be KINDred-304570__340



2 thoughts on “Are There Stones In Your Pocket?

  1. Berchman Rodrigue October 2, 2018 — 7:21 pm

    Hi Peg, I do believe something terrible happened to Dr. Ford …
    I also believe judge Kavenaugh had nothing what so ever to do with this …
    Your friend!
    Berchman J. Rodrigue 😊


    1. Thanks for reading.


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