My Next Chapter

Today is both an exciting and scary day for me. Today I officially announce the “opening” of my business, Live Your Purpose. For months now I have been studying to become a certified Life Coach.  Along with coaching I am also a vision board workshop facilitator. I have books soon to be published and speaking engagements in the near future.

My life coaching will be focused on women, 30+, who have gone through life changing events and helping them to rediscover their purpose. Having faced some life changing events of my own, I know what it is like to feel lost and uncertain of your life and your future.

Honestly, I thought I would be happy being retired and staying home. I always talked about that day when I could just stay home and do nothing. But that didn’t last long. I truly feel called to help others get through what I have been through. I wish I would have had guidance along the way during those times. So many things make sense now to me that I was clueless about while I was going through them.

My vision board workshop, which I have named Vision 365, will help people look deeper into their own lives to see what it is they really want and value and to make a visual reminder to help get them succeed in getting there. My first class is on Dec. 8th in my hometown in Louisiana. If you are interested in having one with your friends, I can arrange that. They are fun to have and can be eye opening. I can arrange an online one for others who are reading this from far away.

I have a Facebook page that I will go public with tonight. I plan to submit helpful and encouraging tips  there.  Sometimes I will do some “Facebook Lives” that will be short and to the point. I have to get used to being in front of a camera. I will let you know when my books are published because many have asked. Eventually, my plans are to write a course to offer and teach online. I guess once a teacher, always a teacher right?

I have made new friends along the way already in this new chapter of my life. I am not sure where life will take me at this point. I have heard the call and I have listened. My heart and ears are open. I do know this. Life is short- make it count. 

My Facebook page is called Live Your Purpose. It is not public yet. It will be later today. My Instagram account is:  live_yourpurpose

I invite you to like and follow me there. (I do not have a website set up yet).

Below is a picture of me registering my business name in Harris County a couple of weeks ago. I will be registering in a few more counties soon.

Thank you for letting me share my news today. Hugs!



In a world where there is so much hate, let us all choose to be


me reigistering my business
Excuse my look. It was a spur of the moment trip.


7 thoughts on “My Next Chapter

  1. congrats sis!


  2. Congratulations!! Are the books related to your business like self help. Where will they be available? Good luck!! I am so proud of you! You have been through a lot in life but you have always proven what a strong determined woman you are. I wish you the best. I love you Sis and may God bless this endeavor. ❤️


    1. I am revising my first children’s book to self publish. The other two are self help related to the business. Thanks Sis!


  3. Oh My Gosh! I am so so excited for you!! I think I would like to host a Vision 365!!! I would love to chat with you about EVERYTHING! Let’s plan a lunch date…Right now, I am keeping Kole Tuesday through Thursday, so let’s look at a Monday or Friday meet up!! I love you. I am proud of you. I am blessed to have you in my life!


    1. Thank you so much! I love you and am so blessed to call you a friend. We will chat soon.


  4. So so proud of you Peggy, this is an awesome accomplishment and you will be an great coach to some lucky women


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