The End of a Year, The End of a Blog

2018 had some happy times. My younger daughter received a doctorate in May. It was a proud moment, but it did not come without its trials and tribulations. I lost my mother in March, my daughter went through a divorce mid year, both of our cars were totaled on the same day  within an hour apart from each other in late November, and my husband’s position at work is being dissolved in a few weeks. So far, even with three degrees, he has not found another job. My father is ill and I miss seeing him more than I am able because of distance.

When I turned 60 this summer, I was determined to not sit around the house and grow old. I began studying to become a certified life coach, helping women to overcome life changing events and find their purpose in life, as well as their joy and happiness. I have been through several life changing events myself, the most painful being a widow at age 50. I felt a calling to help any woman I could deal with these things. I started writing again and still am. I am publishing my first children’s book over since the company who held my contract went out of business. I am working on two nonfiction ones, due out this year as well an art therapy adult coloring book and journal. I am facilitating vision board workshops, planning to take them into schools and businesses across the country. I also plan by the end of the year to have an online course on finding happiness that will accompany my book. I have an author presentation in February and I hope to speak at conferences and to different groups. (Need a speaker for your club or organization?)

I reflected on my life a few days ago and realized something. At the age of 25, I had my first daughter. At 30, I had my second. At 40, I was tired (insert grin). At 50, I was a widow. Now at 60, I feel like I am much younger and have more energy than I have in a very long time. I’m putting in 12-14 hour days but loving it. I am meeting new people and having fun. My relationship with God is even stronger, my outlook on life is much more positive and I know I have to use my God given talents for good things.

I remember at the end of 2017 saying that 2018 had to be a better year. As it turned out, it wasn’t. It was actually worse. But looking back, I realize that I didn’t do anything to make it better. I just hoped that it would.  I didn’t even make a vision board last year as I usually do. I just sat back and wondered why my life wasn’t changing. I now have my vision board made for the new year. It is posted in my bedroom where I see it all the time to remind me of what I value and of my intentions for this coming year. Vision boards are not magic, but they help the brain see a constant visual reminder of  what we want to do with our lives and the person we want to be. Visualization is a powerful tool for self improvement.  I always have a “word to live by” each year. I actually had one for 2018. It was perseverance. With all that went on, some of which I did not previously mention, I believe that word was fitting.  I could have also paired it with the word, survival. For 2019, I have decided on a statement instead of a word because 2018 taught me an important lesson about sitting back and waiting for change for the better to just happen. My statement for 2019 is, Success–with God and hard work, all things are possible.

This doesn’t leave much spare time so I have decided to end my blog posting. I thank all of you who read, liked or commented on my posts. I appreciate it. With a new year comes bigger and better things, however.

By the way, if anyone is interested in having a vision board workshop/party for friends or your workplace, I can facilitate that, no matter where you live. Technology allows that to happen. I can tailor it to your specific group.

Finally, here’s to a wonderful 2019. May you and your family be blessed with good health and lots of happiness. Happy New Year!




In a world where there is so much hate, let us all choose to be



3 thoughts on “The End of a Year, The End of a Blog

  1. Happy 2019 my friend!
    Your optimism is such a breath of fresh air.
    You are on point with your phrase, it does take God and hard work!
    I believe I am going to stick with my previous (unofficial) mantra, Speak Life! In the negative world we seem to live in these days, we should always seek the Light, and to do that, we must speak life rather than point out all the negatives. This one is truly tough for me, but with God and hard work…
    Love you!


  2. Sorry to see the Blog go, HOWEVER, so excited to hear of all that will take its place. Have you found a magic place where there are more than 24 hours in a day?? For it seems there is much going on to happen/fit into out modern day period!!! I wish you great favor and success, Peg in your many endeavors. My word on my vision board for 2019 is ‘Surrender’……….’surrender’ to the things I cannot control nor change and ‘surrender’ to adjustments I must make to adjust to the changes. Family conflicts have brought much anguish into my life and I must find a resolution for peace of mind. He is present on moment’s notice and grateful for that. Do keep in touch with us somehow, my friend….. I look forward to that. Sending prayer of support your way. Love to you, Peg and warm hugs!!
    Respectfully, Rita


  3. I hope you have a wonderful 2019!!! Good Luck!!


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